Quantum Information National Laboratory
Kvantuminformatika Nemzeti Laboratórium
Basic data

Field of Operation
Digital Transformation of Economy and Society
Place of implementation
The challenge of the decade is to translate the huge advances in quantum-level control of photons, atoms and electrons into a new technology: quantum technology. The Quantum Information National Laboratory aims to bring together national resources in physics, engineering, mathematics and computer science and to focus their activities on specific theoretical and applied areas of quantum technology. The Laboratory will maximise the role and importance of Hungary in the field of quantum computing through well thought-out and coordinated developments.
Main research areas:

  • Quantum communication network
  • The building blocks of quantum computing
  • Quantum computation and simulation of quantum systems

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:

  • Relevance to national security: secure communication in the public sector, the banking sector and civil society
  • Quantum algorithms applied to practical problems
  • Creating a knowledge base, attracting skilled workers back to Hungary, ensuring high quality education
  • High level international relations

Consortium leader

HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics

Consortium partners

  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Eötvös Loránd University



Utolsó módosítás: 28 August 2024
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